Now that Apple is selling factory unlocked GSM iPhones will that make fewer people jailbreak or unlock their iPhone using alternative methods? Due to the steep price of the unlocked iPhones purchased from Apple it will probably not deter too many people from using these other methods. It is anticipated that third party unlocking solutions will remain strong.
However for business travelers who have been hit with very expensive roaming charges from AT&T. Many of these users have reported fees incurred in one week that would pay for the phone itself. That is really price gouging on AT&T’s part and, perhaps, Apple is beginning to have a different attitude towards this situation.
Apple is also trying to gain more grounds into the business user market. RIM and BlackBerry’s have been the accepted device for business class users and the iPhone has just begun to break into that market. Offering a readily available unlocked iPhone would be another way to appeal to the business class user.
Many business people are more concerned with the security of their iPhones than many average users are. They do not want to compromise that security by jailbreaking their devices. Also as their smart phone might be a company purchase they may not have the freedom to make these types of modifications as well.
So an unlocked iPhone from Apple even at six to seven hundred dollars can be a real deal for businesses and travelers who do not want to jailbreak.